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Unveiling the Truths Behind Solar Energy

Unraveling Common Misconceptions for Discerning Homeowners

Solar electricity isn’t reliable…

Dispelling the notion that solar energy is less reliable than traditional grid power, it's important to recognize that electricity is electricity. In a solar system, DC solar energy is seamlessly converted to usable AC electricity through inverters, ensuring a consistent and reliable power supply for your entire home.


Solar is too expensive…

Contradictory to popular belief, solar is an incredibly accessible investment. With over 3 decades of expertise, STS has witnessed the misconception that solar is financially out of reach for many. Over 90% of solar adopters finance through a solar loan or Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), discovering that their payments are often lower than their current electric bills. Analogous to the concept of owning versus renting a home, choosing solar allows you to invest in something you own, building equity and reducing overall costs.


They will put a lien on my home…

Rest assured, STS does not place liens on your home. Unlike the early days of solar financing, modern solar loans require only a soft credit pull, eliminating the need for a lien to safeguard against default.


Putting solar on my house will make it difficult to sell…

On the contrary, homes with solar not only add value but also tend to sell faster. Research from Berkeley Labs, in collaboration with universities and appraisers, indicates that solar increases the average home value by $15,000. For more details, explore the report findings here. 

Solar technology still needs to improve…

The solar industry has reached its peak in terms of efficiency and technology, especially since the widespread adoption of larger solar panels five years ago. Today's solar systems represent the pinnacle of technological advancement, offering optimal efficiency and performance. While ongoing research and innovation within the industry persistently refine solar technology, the hardware available in 2024 stands at the pinnacle of its performance capabilities.


I will still have a high electricity bill…

The key to an optimal solar experience lies in the equipment, installation, and the team guiding you through the process. At STS, we pride ourselves on delivering the highest level of service and a personalized approach to ensure your solar system is sized correctly thus eliminating a high utility bill. You will always pay the interconnection fees and non by-passable charges from your utility company, but paying for their constantly increasing electricity will be eliminated. Trust STS to exceed your expectations and make your solar journey seamless and cost-effective. 




What’s the first step in transitioning my home or business to solar and storage?

To get started, you’ll work with one of our solar experts at STS. Through a comprehensive discussion, we'll assess your property's suitability for solar installation and explore whether purchasing, financing or a power purchase agreement is the best option for you. We’ll then provide you with a personalized quote and a tailored solar and storage design. If you would like to start the process now, please click this link:  

What is included in my solar and storage system’s warranty?

Solar panels and inverters are warrantied for 25 years as is our workmanship. Battery storage systems are warrantied for 12 years. 


What is the difference between a solar and storage PPA and a Loan? 

A Power Purchase Agreement is essentially the same thing you are currently doing with your utility. You pay monthly, but at a much lower rate than what the utility company charges for their power, plus, you know exactly what that rate will be for the next 25 years… no surprises! Also, you don’t get the 30% federal tax credit with a PPA so that is something to talk to your solar consultant about.  With a solar loan, you make monthly payments until the system is paid off and there is no prepayment penalty if you pay the loan off early. There are loan terms ranging from 10-25 years and you also receive the 30% federal tax credit on the cost of the system. 


What happens when it’s cloudy or rainy? 

During overcast, rainy weather your system will power your home just like it does during nighttime hours… by using the power stored in your batteries. For extended periods of rainy weather, you may also draw from the grid’s power and since we have sized your solar system appropriately you will not incur an expense because you will have a kWhr bank built up in your net metering account with your utility.  


How do I best care for panels and protect my solar investment after install?

The most important action you can take to make sure your system is functioning properly at all times is to make sure your monitoring system app is set up on your phone or computer, that way you will get notifications if there is a system malfunction and then schedule a service call with us. As for solar panel efficiency, if we are experiencing an extended drought or if you live in a wildfire prone area, it is good to have your solar panels cleaned every 5 years to maintain optimum solar production. 


What if I need a new roof?

Until solar loans and PPAs came about, needing a new roof has always been an expense no homeowner wants! If you need a new roof, we can reroof your home and roll the cost of it into a solar loan or PPA and 99% of the time your new electricity payment is lower than what you’ve been paying your utility! Plus, you get the 30% tax credit on the cost of your new roof as well! 


How do I know if my solar company/rep is reputable? 

Navigating the Wild West of the solar industry can be overwhelming. There are hundreds of companies out there making all sorts of conflicting claims. I always tell my clients, get quotes from 3 different companies… (with us being one of the three).  Ask each rep these essential questions: Can I speak to any of your past clients about their experience? What is the warranty and can I see the warranty clause in the contract? Who do I call if my system needs to be serviced? What type of panels, inverters and batteries do they use?

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